作者 主题: 【SW】新修士异能 P77~84  (阅读 3082 次)


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【SW】新修士异能 P77~84
« 于: 2023-05-28, 周日 21:18:21 »
New Adept Powers


劇透 -   :
Aid Sorcery
Cost: 0.5 PP per level
Activation: Major Action (Minor to maintain)
An adept with this power can channel their inner magic to aid a nearby spellcaster with theirsorcery. The adept must touch the spellcaster and spend a Major Action to open a mana conduit between them, and they must maintain physical contact and spend a Minor Action every subsequent round to keep the conduit open. A spellcaster that casts a spell while a conduit is maintained in this way adds the adept’s Aid Sorcery ranks as bonus dice on any Sorcery test (also including Counterspelling and Ritual Spellcasting). After each time a spellcaster uses these bonus dice, the adept must resist drain in the form of Stun damage equal to their ranks in Aid Sorcery.

使用气之舞可以让特别快速的修士利用他们的反应时间对抗较慢的对手,他们的脚离地面只有一厘米,但可以在空气中平滑地滑动。在回合开始时,比较修士的行动次序与对手方的最高行动次序。对于修士在每个(10 -入门等级)行动点上击败他们最快的对手,修士获得+1次要动作。

劇透 -   :
Air Dance
Cost: 1.5 PP
Activation: Passive
Using Air Dance lets a particularly speedy adept capitalize on their reaction time against slower opponents, gliding smoothly on air with their feet just a centimeter off the ground. At the start of the round, compare the adept’s initiative to the highest initiative on the opposing side. For every (10 –Initiate Grade) Initiative Points that the adept beats their fastest opponent by, the adept gains +1 Minor Action.


劇透 -   :
Cost: 0.5
Activation: Passive
Adepts with this power recognize and solve patterns and puzzles with supernatural ease. They gain a bonus Edge when making any Logic-based test (this Edge must be spent on that test, or it is lost).


劇透 -   :
Animal Empathy
Cost: 0.5 PP per level (max 2 levels)
Activation: Passive
Some adepts have an uncanny ability to connect with critters. An adept with one level of Animal Empathy reduces the cost of Edge Boosts by one when making any Charisma-based test against mundane critters. The second level of Animal Empathy grants
the same bonus with Awakened critters—including dracoforms, the Infected, and the like. Good luck with that!

当这个异能被激活时,投掷 魔法 +(相关属性的属性提升等级)检定。每个成功都会暂时提高指定属性的等级1点,最多可以提高到+4的增强最大值。这只影响骰池,不影响动作顺序,CM等。效果持续(成功)回合,当这个异能结束时,修士必须抵抗相当于这个异能在相关属性中的等级的耗竭。

劇透 -   :
Attribute Boost: Mental
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Major Action
More refined adepts harness their internal mana flow and use it to empower not only their physical abilities, but their cleverness, perception, force of personality, and strength of will. When this ability is purchased, you specify a Mental attribute (Logic, Intuition, Charisma, or Willpower; this power can be purchased multiple times, either adding ranks to an existing Boost or applying it to a new attribute). This power cannot be applied to Physical or Special attributes.
When this power is activated, roll Magic + (Attribute Boost rating for relevant attribute). Each hit temporarily increases the rating of the designated attribute by 1, up to the augmented maximum of +4. This affects only dice pools, not Initiative
rank, Condition Monitor, etc. The effect lasts for (net hits) rounds, and when the power expires, the adept must resist drain equal to their levels in this power in the relevant attribute.

一个狂暴的修士必须对范围内的目标进行近战攻击,或者使用主要动作来靠近某个人以便这样做,每一轮(包括友好者或旁观者,如果他们身边没有敌人的话)。狂暴状态持续(狂暴等级 x 2)回合。如果修士希望提前离开这个攻击状态(例如想要撤退或者因为他们的对手都倒下了),他们必须进行修士耗竭检定(体质 +意志,或者他们的修士之道对应的属性检定),并且成功数等于他们在狂暴异能中的等级。
当异能结束时,无论是自然的还是自愿停止,修士必须抵抗相当于(2 x 这个异能的等级)的耗竭,使用他们的常规(非狂暴中)属性抵抗耗竭。

劇透 -   :
Cost: 1 PP per level
Activation: Minor Action
Some adepts are wells of furious mana and have learned to tap into that primal energy to enter a frenzied state that greatly increases their physical abilities. When this power is activated, the adept gains +1 to all their Physical attributes per level of Berserk (this bonus combines with other enhancements but is still limited to the usual augmented maximum of +4), ignores an amount of damage equal to their ranks in Berserk (as though they also had Pain Resistance at the same level; this stacks with existing Pain Resistance and other modifier amelioration), but suffers a –1 to all Mental attributes per level of Berserk (to a minimum of 1) and is a slave to their mindless aggression. These modifications affect most dice pools and Close Combat Attack Rating (Initiative, attack rolls, soak rolls, etc.), but not Condition Monitors.
A berserk adept must make Close Combat attacks against a target in range or use Major Actions to close with someone in order to do so, every round (including friendlies or bystanders once they run out of opponents). The berserker frenzy lasts for (Berserk Levels x 2) rounds. If the adept wishes to leave this aggressive state early (in order to retreat or because their opponents are all down, for instance) they must roll an Adept Drain test (Body + Willpower, or as appropriate for their way) and score hits equal to their ranks in the Berserk power.
When the power expires, either naturally or through a voluntary withdrawal, the adept must resist drain equal to (2 x ranks in this power), using their regular (non-Berserk) drain attributes.


劇透 -   :
Blind Fighting
Cost: 0.5 PP
Activation: Passive
An adept with this power uses some combination of other senses to reflexively compensate for a lack of vision, whether due to permanent injury, temporary penalties, or a simple blindfold. An adept using Blind Fighting never grants a Close Combat opponent bonus Edge for vision modifiers (for darkness, flash-paks, tear gas, or other vision-based penalties), but they are still vulnerable to ambush or surprise situations.


劇透 -   :
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Passive
Some auras are harder to draw a bead on than others. For every rank an adept has in the Cloak power, they may impose a –1 dice pool penalty to tests made to read their aura.

在受到怀疑时,即使命令不可能达成或明显是要目标自杀,成功的命令至少应使目标停止一个完整的回合。显然超自然的命令将让目标意识到这种外部控制,但是不太激进的命令可能会导致更长的服从,如果仔细表述,可能甚至不会让目标或其他见证者意识到任何超自然的操控(虽然他们仍然可能注意到有人在下命令,并且那些命令被执行,魔法控制本身可能不是明显的)。 “来吧,兄弟,就让我们进去吧”可能会让你无事故地进入一个俱乐部,而一个大声的“打他,muwahaha”并且让一个保镖在你的命令下对他的同事进行攻击可能会吸引注意并且非常明显。

劇透 -   :
Commanding Voice
Cost: 1.5 PP per level
Activation: Major Action
The words of an adept with Commanding Voice are infused with supernatural authority and power. Every level of this power adds +1 die to opposed Influence tests for Intimidation that the character initiates, while also lacing those forceful commands with unstoppable intent. If the adept succeeds in such a test, the target must obey the adept’s given order, at least momentarily.
Dangerous orders or orders given in dangerous situations (in combat, for instance) will be followed for a maximum of (Commanding Voice) rounds. Orders may never result in the target directly harming themselves (“leap off the roof,” “step into traffic,” and “shoot yourself” are not valid commands, for instance), though they may result in a moment of vulnerability that can be taken advantage of (“sit” or “freeze”) or a momentary shift in allegiance (“shoot that guard!”). When in doubt, a successful order should at least make a target freeze up for at least one full round, even if the order given is impossible or clearly suicidal.
Clearly supernatural orders will leave a target aware of this external control, but less radical commands may result in longer obedience, and if phrased carefully may not even result in the target or other witnesses being aware of any supernatural manipulation (though they’ll still likely notice someone barking orders and those orders being obeyed, the magical control itself may not be obvious). “Come on, man, just let us in” may get you into a club without incident, while a shouted “fight him, muwahaha” and setting a bouncer against his coworker for your amusement is likely to draw attention and be pretty obvious.


劇透 -   :
Cool Resolve
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Passive
Some adepts shield their psyches with mana and certainty, making themselves impressively unflappable. For every level in Cool Resolve, they may add +1 die to all opposed social tests to resist someone else’s initiated Influence skills, and +1 die on all tests to resist the Fear critter power. (They may add these dice, not must, allowing them to benefit from friendly Leadership or Instruction rolls, etc.).

消耗:每级1 PP(最高2级)

劇透 -   :
Cosmetic Control
Cost: 1 PP per level (max 2 levels)
Activation: Major Action
An adept with Cosmetic Control may alter their body in order to change their physical appearance by growing or shedding hair, changing traditional gender markers, altering their skin tone, adding or removing blemishes or scars, reshaping their facial features, changing their height and weight, or increasing or decreasing other cosmetic physical attributes (bust and hip size, growing or retracting nails, etc.). These changes are purely cosmetic but are not illusory, and clothing and other equipment are not affected, nor may damage be healed in this way, augmentations expelled or installed, etc.
One level of Cosmetic Control allows for the adept to change within the confines of what is normally allowed for their metatype (ears remain pointed or round as appropriate, trolls maintain horns and orks tusks, height remains within the range of their metatype, and hair, eye, and skin colors are limited to the usual range of their metatype).
The second level of Cosmetic Control allows an adept to reach beyond the usual limitations of their metaspecies, in both general appearance (ear shape, the addition or removal of horns or tusks, etc.) and in size, allowing a dwarf to reach human/elven/orkish height (or reduce themselves to a smaller size, such as a pixie), allowing a troll to reduce to human/elven/orkish height, or allowing a human/elf/ork to grow or shrink to either extreme.
These modifications still provide no alteration to attributes in any way, but they are enough to allow an adept to pass completely as a member of a different metatype. It also allows for a broader array of other cosmetic changes, such as hair, skin, and eye colors and patterns with a greater variety (striped blue hair, green skin, adding tattoos, slit eyes like a cat, or whatever other purely cosmetic modifications they like).
Each level of Cosmetic Control, in addition to the visual modifications listed, lowers the cost of Edge Boosts by one for Con tests for Acting, Disguise, or Impersonation, as appropriate (and with the GM’s discretion may also add to Influence tests as well, particularly Intimidation as it relates to size, or metatype-related Etiquette tests). GMs and players should also remain aware of the Social Test Edge chart (SR6, p. 98) for further mechanical guidance as circumstances and appearances change.

消耗:每级0.5 PP

劇透 -   :
Cost: 0.5 PP per level
Activation: Minor Action
Spells slide off an adept with this power like water off a duck’s back. An adept with Countermagic adds one die to tests to resist spells per level of this power.


劇透 -   :
Cost: 0.5 per level
Activation: Minor Action
An adept with Counterstrike may smoothly shift from defense to attack in Close Combat, catching an opponent off-guard after successfully defending against an attack. This power may only be used on their first turn after successfully using a Minor Action to Block a Close Combat attack (p. 41, SR6). After spending an additional Minor Action to trigger Counterstrike, add dice to their next Close Combat attack roll equal to their levels in Counterstrike plus any net hits from the Block —— but only on attacks against the character who attacked them.

消耗:每级0.25 PP

劇透 -   :
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Minor Action
Fleet of foot is putting it mildly! When an adept makes a Sprint test (p. 44, SR6) and invests a Minor Action to focus themselves, they add +1 meter to their movement for every rank in Dash.

消耗:每级0.5 PP
远程抓取让修士通过念动力效应远程操作物理世界,大致模仿他们的手。这种能力的范围是(远程抓取等级 x 魔法)以米为单位,修士有等于他们在远程抓取中的等级的有效力量。

劇透 -   :
Distance Grasp
Cost: 0.5 PP per level
Activation: Minor Action
Distance Grasp lets an adept reach out and manipulate the physical world through a psychokinetic effect that roughly mimics their hands. The range of this power is (Distance Grasp levels x Magic) in meters, and the adept has an effective Strength equal to their levels in Distance Grasp.
They may use skills remotely, pick up small objects, flip switches, peck at keyboards, pick locks, etc, but they may not attack (see Distance Strike for that). The supernatural intent behind Distance Grasp is for manipulation, not offense.

消耗:2 PP

劇透 -   :
Distance Strike
Cost: 2 PP
Activation: Passive
An adept with Distance Strike may project their physical strength across short distances with the clear, mana-infused intent to deal damage, allowing them to strike a target without physically touching them. The range of a Distance Strike is the adept’s Magic in meters, and it deals damage and has an Attack Rating the same as the adept’s unarmed attacks (including supernatural or Essence-invested modifiers, such as Killing Hands, Elemental Strike, or Bone Lacing, but not purely external modifications like knucks or shock gloves).
The adept attacks with Close Combat as though it were a regular Unarmed attack, but targets may resist the attack as either a Close Combat or ranged attack (using Dodge or Block as they prefer). Cover modifiers apply as usual, and the strike cannot pass through solid objects or pierce mana barriers.

(元素) (武器)
成本:0.5 PP

劇透 -   :
Elemental Missile
(Element) (Weapon)
Cost: 0.5 PP
Activation: Minor Action
Elemental Missile lets an adept infuse a ranged attack with an elemental damage type (see Damage Types, p. 109, SR6). Activating the power and visibly charging your weapon with elemental energy requires a Minor Action, after which time it remains active for (Magic) rounds or until deactivated at will.
When Elemental Missile is purchased, the adept must choose one element and one type of ranged attack from the following list: Thrown Weapons (including attacks made with Missile Mastery), Projectile Weapons, one Specialization of the Exotic Weapon skill or one Specialization of Firearms (Automatics, Longarms, Pistols, Rifles, or Shotguns; the character need not have the specialization or expertise purchased, but the narrower categories apply to its use). Elemental Missile may also be purchased for the Gunnery specialization of Engineering, but the elemental effect can only be applied to Gunnery weapons if the adept has used Item Attunement to link to the drone or vehicle that holds the weapon.
This power may be purchased multiple times, either to apply alternate (not multiple) elemental effects to one category of ranged attack, or to apply already-purchased elemental effects to a wider variety of weapons. Only one elemental effect can be active per attack.

成本:0.5 PP

劇透 -   :
Elemental Strike
Cost: 0.5 PP
Activation: Minor Action
Prerequisite: Killing Hands (p. 157, SR6)
An adept with Elemental Strike may infuse their unarmed attacks with raw elemental force, adding an elemental damage type (see Damage Types, p. 109, SR6). Activating the power and visibly wreathing your hand, foot, or other striking body part with power requires a Minor Action, after which it remains active for (Magic) rounds or until deactivated at will.
The power may be purchased multiple times, adding a new elemental option with each purchase, but only one elemental effect can be active per attack.

成本:每级0.5 PP

劇透 -   :
Elemental Weapon
Cost: 0.5 PP per level
Activation: Minor Action
An adept with Elemental Weapon is able to channel elemental power into their melee attacks with Close Combat weapons rather than unarmed attacks. They add an elemental damage type (see Damage Types, p. 109, SR6) to their weapon attacks. Activating the power and wreathing your weapon in visible elemental energy requires a Minor Action, after which time it remains active for (Magic) rounds or until deactivated at all.
The power may be purchased multiple times, adding a new elemental option with each purchase, but only one elemental effect can be active per attack.

成本:0.75 PP
修士可以在危机时刻将他们的健康状况与受伤的人连接起来,并沿着这条强大且痛苦的通道将目标的伤害吸入自己的身体。修士通过与目标的物理接触和魔法+意志检定(阈值为 5 - 目标的精华)开始共情治疗过程。
范例:队中的FACE具有精华6,并因为受到步枪射击遭受了8格的物理伤害。修士建立连接,花费一个主要动作,投掷 魔法 + 意志检定,获得4成功,然后因为目标的高精华而额外获得1成功,最终获得5成功。在检定结束后,FACE 受到的物理伤害被立即降低到7格,而修士则获得了1格无法抵抗的眩晕伤害。下一个流程的主要动作之后,FACE受到的物理伤害被降低到6格,而修士受到1格无法抵抗的物理伤害。如果链接持续到异能自然结束,在流程结束时,FACE就会还受到3格物理伤害,而修士总计会收到4格物理伤害和1格眩晕伤害。

劇透 -   :
Empathic Healing
Cost: 0.75 PP
Activation: Major Action (see below)
Adepts can, in times of crisis, link their health to that of an injured person, and pull the target’s injuries into their own body along this powerful, and painful, conduit. The adept begins the Empathic Healing process through physical contact with the target and a Magic + Willpower roll (threshold of 5 – target’s Essence).
The adept removes 1 box of Physical or Overflow damage from the target per hit, simultaneously suffering 1 box of Stun damage for the first box of damage transferred this way, then Physical damage equal to the remaining boxes in future actions. Damage is transferred at the rate of 1 box per Major Action, during which time physical contact must be maintained. Injuries can only be affected once with Empathic Healing (but using Empathic Healing does not count toward the limit of one Healing spell per injury).
Example: The team’s face has Essence 6 and has received 8 boxes of Physical damage from a rifle shot. The adept makes contact, spends a Major Action, rolls Magic + Willpower, gets 4 hits, then adds +1 hit for the target’s high Essence for a total of 5 hits. Immediately upon rolling, the face is lowered to 7 boxes of Physical damage and the adept receives 1 box of (unsoakable) Stun. During the next Major Action dedicated to the process, the face is
lowered to 6 damage, and the adept takes 1 level of (unsoakable) Physical damage. If contact is maintained and the power is used for the full duration, at the end of the process the face will still have 3 boxes of Physical damage, and the adept will have 4 boxes of Physical damage and 1 box of Stun.

成本:0.5 PP

劇透 -   :
Empathic Sense
Cost: 0.5 PP
Activation: Minor Action
Empathic Sense allows adepts access to a weaker form of Assensing, allowing them to sense the true feelings and health of targets they can see. The adept spends a Minor Action and rolls Intuition + Perception, and gains information according to the Assensing Table (p. 159, SR6), but they are limited to the emotional state and the physical health of the target (maladies, injuries, toxins, whether the target is Awakened, mundane, a technomancer or Monad).
If an adept makes an Opposed Social test against the target and is able to leverage information gathered via Empathic Sense, grant the adept Edge on that roll (which must be used only on that roll, or it is lost).
If an adept with Empathic Sense later gains the ability for full Astral Sight, this Power Point may be reallocated.

成本:0.5 PP
迷人表演让修士能够在艺术表演中注入魔法力量,以吸引观众,并实际上使他们陷入一种放松的催眠状态。修士通过投入次要动作来驾驭他们的力量(除了需要投入动作来演奏他们的乐器、跳舞、唱歌等),然后可以将他们的适当技能/专长+魔法进行检定,他们的成功数将作为他们的观众在表演期间进行任何感知检定的难度修正。被吸引的观众可能会被分心并为之着迷,最长可达(魅力 + 魔法)x 净成功 分钟,但受到攻击、公开威胁或以其他方式被震醒(例如,适当的大声噪音,喷淋系统或闪光灯启动,无消音的枪声等)的观众会提前从此状态中恢复过来。

劇透 -   :
Enthralling Performance
Cost: 0.5 PP
Activation: Minor Action
Enthralling Performance lets an adept lace an artistic performance with magical power in order to mesmerize their audience and, in fact, put them into a relaxed hypnotic state. By investing a Minor Action to harness their power (in addition to the necessary action investment to perform with their instrument, dance, sing, etc.), the adept may then roll their appropriate skill/specialty + Magic, and their hits serve as a threshold modifier for any Perception tests their audience might try to make during the performance. Enthralled audience members may be distracted and entranced for a maximum of (Charisma + Magic) x net hits minutes, but viewers who are attacked, overtly threatened, or otherwise shocked out of it (an appropriately loud noise, sprinkler system or flash-pak going off, unsilenced gunshots, etc.) are snapped out of it early.
Enthralling Performance defaults to Con/Performance specialty, but gamemasters may allow Influence/Leadership for a rousing speech, Athletics/Gymnastics for an impressive display, or even Close Combat/Unarmed for a kata routine, Stealth/Palming for distracting magic tricks, or other combinations as appropriate for the character, decided when it is purchased. It may be purchased more than one time for different Skill/Specialization combinations.

成本:每级0.25 PP(最大3级)
劇透 -   :
Cost: 0.25 per level (max 3 levels)
Activation: Passive
Some adepts are light on their feet, preternaturally so. Every level of Freefall adds 3 meters to the distance an adept falls before calculating damage (see p. 113, SR6).

成本:每级0.25 PP
强化跳跃让修士能够通过跳跃跨越令人印象深刻的距离。当在投入次要动作以集中精力后尝试跳跃检定(运动 + 力量)时,拥有强化跳跃的修士可以进行2米每成功数的跑步跳跃,1米每成功数的站立水平跳跃,和0.5米每成功数的站立垂直跳跃。他们还在跳跃检定中因为每级强化跳跃获得+1骰。

劇透 -   :
Great Leap
Cost: 0.25 per level
Activation: Minor Action
Great Leap lets an adept cross impressive distances with jumping. When attempting a Jumping test (Athletics + Strength) after investing a Minor Action to focus, an adept with Great Leap can make a running jump of 2 meters per hit, a standing horizontal jump of 1 meter per hit, and a standing vertical jump of 0.5 meters per hit. They also get +1 die on the Jumping test per level of Great Leap.

成本:每级1 PP

劇透 -   :
Improved Mental Attribute
Cost: 1 PP per level
Activation: Passive
Select a Mental attribute (Intuition, Logic, Charisma, or Willpower) when purchasing this power. That attribute receives an ongoing increase equal to the level of this power, up to the augmented maximum of +4 or 1.5 times the current level of the attribute.

成本:每级0.25 PP

劇透 -   :
Iron Will
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Passive
The adept is able to shake off supernatural influences easier than most. They may add +1 die per level of Iron Will to any test to resist magical mind control or magical emotional manipulation (including but not limited to Manipulation spells, critter powers, and adept powers).

成本:每级0.25 PP
先决条件:体语学(p. 157, SR6)
拥有体语学掌握的修士是肢体语言、非语言沟通以及感知他人紧张和隐藏自己紧张的大师。这个能力提供两个好处:首先,它允许两个具有体语学掌握能力的修士在能看到对方的情况下,向对方传递复杂详细的信息,而旁人不会察觉(本质上是通过肢体语言秘密进行完整的对话)。其次,每级体语学掌握增加了体语学在单次交涉中获得极限的次数1次(p.157, SR6)。

劇透 -   :
Kinesics Mastery
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Passive
Prerequisite: Kinesics (p. 157, SR6)
An adept with Kinesics Mastery is a master of body language, nonverbal communication, and both sensing tension in others and hiding their own. This power provides two benefits: First, it allows two adepts with Kinesics Mastery and line of sight to one another to relay complicated, detailed information to one another without outsiders noticing (essentially holding a full conversation in secret). Second, every level of Kinesics Mastery increases the number of times per encounter that the Kinesics power grants Edge (p.157, SR6).

成本:0.25 PP
掌握语言学的修士能够专注他们的超人感知,记忆,模仿和共情力,以在只有最小量接触后学习语言,并且无需花费业力。修士必须学习一个新的语言至少一小时,此之后他们将获得新的基础级别的语言技能(参见语言技能,p. 99, SR6)。语言学还在理解修士接受过训练的语言的感知检定中提供一个奖励骰(无论是通过此技能掌握还是通过传统方式学习)。

劇透 -   :
Cost: 0.25 PP
Activation: Passive
An adept with Linguistics is able to focus their superhuman perception, memorization, mimicry, and empathic powers in order to learn languages after only a minimal amount of exposure, and without spending Karma. Adepts must
be exposed to a new language for a minimum of one hour, at which time they gain the new Language Skill at the basic level (see Language Skills, p. 99, SR6).
Linguistics also provides one bonus die to Perception tests to understand a language in which the character is trained (either via this skill or through traditional means).

成本:每级1 PP

劇透 -   :
Living Focus
Cost: 1 PP per level
Activation: Passive
Living Focus lets an adept focus their internalized mana and use it like a battery to sustain a spell cast on them (similar to a sustaining focus).
Using this power to maintain a spell removes the burden of sustaining from the spellcaster and requires no roll, but the adept suffers the usual –2 dice pool penalty for sustaining the spell. If the adept falls asleep or unconscious, they can no longer sustain the spell, so the caster must either sustain it themselves (with the dice pool penalty) or drop it.
Additional levels of Living Focus allow adepts to sustain additional spells (one spell per rank in Living Focus) or may be invested in defraying the penalty of sustaining a spell (every rank of Living Focus, after the first, invested into a spell may lower the penalty by 1). For example, Living Focus 3 allows an adept to self-sustain one spell for no penalty, three spells for a total penalty of –6, or two spells for a total penalty of –3).

成本:0.5 PP

劇透 -   :
Cost: 0.5 PP
Activation: Major Action
An adept with this power can almost runrings around their chosen opponent, thanks to balance and footwork, along withcarefully watching opponents’ body language and tells. To use this power, theadept invests a Major Action and rolls Close Combat + Intuition, opposed bytheir chosen combatant’s Intuition. Net hits on the Maneuver test may then beallocated as bonus dice to either the adept’s next Close Combat test made toattack that opponent or their next Defense test made against that opponent’sattack (these bonus dice may be stacked with other modifiers, such as the Blockaction). This “pool” of Maneuver dice goes away if they are not used before theend of next combat round.

成本:1 PP

劇透 -   :
Missile Mastery
Cost: 1 PP
Activation: Passive
Everyday items become lethal weapons to anadept with Missile Mastery, due to sheer power, uncanny accuracy, or both. Witha purpose-built, non-explosive throwing weapon, increase the DV and AttackRating of the weapon by +1 (grenades don’t do extra explosive damage justbecause you throw them really hard, but they may be used as improvised weapons;see below). With an improvised throwing weapon—a coin, a bullet, a playingcard, an empty magazine, a chopstick, a flash-pak, use your imagination!—theadept can attack for DV 1P or 1S, with an Attack Rating equal to the adept’sAthletics + Strength at Close and Near range, half that (rounded up) at Mediumrange, up to
a maximum 100 meters. (For example, anadept with Strength 5 and Athletics 4 would create an Attack Rating line of9/9/5*/—/—.)

成本:0.5 PP
通过超凡的反射和手眼协调,掌握拨挡飞箭的修士在防御非爆炸性投掷和投射武器(明确地说,子弹由于它们的推进方式被视为爆炸性)时有一层额外的防御。在这样被攻击时,修士可以使用格挡次要动作(p. 41, SR6),允许他们将近战技能加入到防御检定中,尽管他们不在近战中。如果修士在格挡检定中的净成功超过投射物或投掷武器的基础伤害,修士可以自行决定是抓住武器还是将其打飞。

劇透 -   :
Missile Parry
Cost: 0.5 PP
Activation: Passive
Through uncanny reflexes and hand-eyecoordination, an adept with Missile Parry has an extra layer of defense againstnon-explosive thrown and projectile weapons (to be clear, bullets count asexplosive due to the way they are propelled).
When being attacked in such a way, the adeptmay use the Block Minor Action (p. 41, SR6), allowing them to add their CloseCombat skill to their Defense test, despite not being in melee. If the adept’snet hits on the Block test exceed the base damage of the projectile or throwingweapon, the adept may, at their discretion, catch the weapon instead of battingit out of the air.

成本:0.25 PP每级
有些修士能够达到一种专注的程度,超越了普通人。动作专注异能帮助他们从一个成功过渡到另一个成功,无论他们在一项任务上工作多久;动作专注的每一级都让他们忽视一个级别的-1骰池修正,这个修正在进行延续检定时逐渐减小他们的骰池(SR6 p. 36)。例如,2技动作专注会让一个修士在延续检定的第一、第二和第三间隔使用他们的全骰池,然后在第四个上只有-1的惩罚,第五个上是-2,等等。

劇透 -   :
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Passive
Some adepts are capable of a level offocused concentration that unaugmented mundanes cannot match. The Momentumpower helps them move from success to success, regardless of how long they workat a task; every level of Momentum lets them ignore one level of the –1 dicepool modifier that progressively shrinks their pool when making an Extendedtest (SR6 p. 36). For example, Momentum 2 would allow an adept to use theirfull pool for the first, second, and third Intervals of an Extended test, andthen roll with only a –1 penalty on the fourth, –2 on the fifth, etc.

成本:1 PP

劇透 -   :
Nerve Strike
Cost: 1 PP
Activation: Passive
An adept with Nerve Strike is not only intune with their own flow of internal mana, but also able to disrupt that flowof life energy in others by striking nerve clusters and other focal pointswhere such mana pools. The adept declares the use of this power prior to makinga Close Combat roll, then rolls (and the target defends) as normal. Instead ofdeclaring damage after the attack and defense tests, the adept can lower thetarget’s Agility or Reaction (adept’s choice) by 1 per net hit. If the targetedattribute is reduced to a 0 or less, the target is paralyzed. Lost attributepoints recover at the rate of 1 point per hour of rest. No Physical or Stundamage is done by the attack, regardless of any secondary effects that wouldnormally occur (such as striking with a stun baton or making an unarmed attackwith Elemental Strike empowered).
This power may be used against critters aswell as metahumans but is useless against opponents without working nervoussystems or biological life energy (drones, spirits, and the like).

成本:0.25 PP每级

劇透 -   :
Nimble Fingers
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Passive
Adepts with Nimble Fingers are amazinglydexterous and quick-fingered. The first level of Nimble Fingers lowers the costof Edge Boosts by one on tests like Stealth (Palming) for sleight-of-hand orpicking pockets, Engineering (Lockpicking) for opening locks, or Con(Performance) tests for certain fine manipulations.
Each level of Nimble Fingers after thefirst one grants a +1 dice pool modifier for such tests and a bonus MinorAction that can only be used to offset the Major/Minor Action cost of PickUp/Put Down Object, Reload Weapon, Use Simple Device, and other actions thatrely on quick fingers and manual dexterity (Nimble Fingers 3, for instance,would reduce the Reload Weapon Major Action to an action cost of two MinorActions, cutting the time it takes in half). This action discount does notapply for Ready Weapon actions; for that, see Quick Draw (below).

成本:1 PP

劇透 -   :
Pain Relief
Cost: 1 PP
Activation: Major Action
By manipulating someone’s nerve clusters,qi points, and other natural areas where mana and life energy pool within ametahuman body, an adept with Pain Relief may temporarily relieve tension,fatigue, and discomfort. The adept rolls Agility + Magic to accurately targetthe appropriate points on the body in a flurry of nerve strikes, and for everyhit rolled, the target may ignore one point of Stun Damage for purposes ofcalculating wound modifiers. This damage is not healed, but the target feelsrefreshed and recharged, better able to continue on despite their bruises orexhaustion. This damage relief fades after (Magic) hours. Alternately, insteadof ignoring damage, the subject may have the effects of the Nerve Strike powerremoved. This effect is permanent.

成本:每级0.25 PP
一些修士在近战中有着超自然的精准度,强大力量,或者两者兼具。每一级的穿透打击,修士的的近战攻击AR +1。

劇透 -   :
Penetrating Strike
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Passive
Some adepts are supernaturally precise, powerful, or both, in melee combat. For each level of Penetrating Strike, increase your Attack Rating with Close Combat attacks by +1.

成本:每级0.5 PP
拥有强力投掷的修士在使用投掷武器时非常危险。对于每一级的强力投掷,增加+1的DV或者+2的AR到直接伤害(非爆炸性)的投掷武器上(当购买强力投掷的等级时选择这个奖励)。这些加值不能在一个武器没有AR的范围增加AR,也不能将一个攻击的基础伤害值或者AR更改到它的两倍以上。这意味着无论投入了多少点力量投掷,一把飞刀(2P, 10/9/3/—/—)的攻击描述被限制在(4P, 20/18/6/—/—)。只有一级的强力投掷可以和飞花摘叶能力(第82页)一起使用,意味着奖励被限制在+1的DV和+2的AR。

劇透 -   :
Power Throw
Cost: 0.5 PP per level
Activation: Passive
Adepts with Power Throw are amazingly dangerous with thrown weapons. For every level of Power Throw, add +1 DV or +2 Attack Rating to direct-damage (non-explosive) thrown weapons (choose which bonus when the level of Power Throw is purchased). These bonuses cannot add an Attack Rating where a weapon has no Attack Rating, and cannot more than double the base DV or AR of an attack so modified. This means a throwing knife (2P, 10/9/3/—/—) is capped, regardless of the number of Power Throw points invested, at an attack profile of (4P, 20/18/6/—/—). Only one level of Power Throw can be used in conjunction with the Missile Mastery power (p. 82), meaning bonuses are capped at +1 DV and +2 Attack Rating.

成本:0.25 PP

劇透 -   :
Quick Draw
Cost: 0.25 PP
Activation: Passive
The Quick Draw power lets an adept use the Quick Draw Minor Action with weapons larger than the usual pistol or small throwing weapon, and use it on those already-allowed small weapons without the need for a specialized holster, augmentation, or quality.

成本:3 PP

劇透 -   :
Quick Strike
Cost: 3 PP
Activation: Passive
There is fast, and there is impossibly fast; an adept with Quick Strike is the latter. When initiative is rolled, an adept with Quick Strike rolls as normal, but may then choose to simply act first that round instead of taking their actions in Initiative order. Their Initiative score is not modified, and they receive no additional Minor Actions because of this power.
If two adepts with Quick Strike both use this power at the same time, compare their Initiative Rolls for a tiebreaker, with the higher of them going first, the loser of the comparison going second, and then Initiative progressing as normal.

成本:每级0.25 PP

劇透 -   :
Side Step
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Passive
Adepts with Side Step are experts at narrowly avoiding incoming attacks with the most precise and efficient movements possible. Every rank in Side Step provides +1 die on tests when they put extra effort into Defense, such as with the Block or Dodge Minor Actions (the bonus is not given on routine Defense tests, only on those augmented through an action expenditure such as those listed). These bonuses stack with the additional dice offered by Block and Dodge, and with Combat Sense or other such modifiers.

成本:每级0.25 PP

劇透 -   :
Spell Shroud
Cost: 0.25 PP per level
Activation: Passive
An adept with the Spell Shroud power is fuzzy and indistinct against those who seek them out magically. For every level of this power, add +1 die to all tests to oppose Detection spells.

成本:0.25 PP

劇透 -   :
Cost: 0.25 PP
Activation: Passive
Some adepts are able to overcome the needs of the body, whether it be through discipline, harnessing the manafield of the planet, surviving off sunlight, eating literal garbage, or meditating their hungers and exhaustion away. The Sustenance power lets an adept receive as much sustenance and rest from one good meal a day and three hours of sleep as most metahumans get from three square meals and a solid eight hours. Reduce the adept’s Lifestyle cost by 250 nuyen/month (needing to eat less makes a world of difference to a Squatter, but not to someone who’s making a full meal out of caviar and quail eggs).

成本:0.5 PP
三维记忆让一个修士可以通过第一手的观看和一些时间(最少是一个主要行动)详细记住一个区域。之后,修士可以进行一个记忆检定(逻辑 + 直觉)并用他们的魔法属性替换其中一个属性,如果他们希望的话。这个检定的难度基于修士试图回忆多久之前的内容(难度1代表一天,2代表一个星期,3代表一个月,4代表一年或更长)。被记住的区域被限制在修士真正能够看到的范围内,所以花费超过一个主要行动是个好主意;例如,如果他们没有打开壁橱或者查看书桌的抽屉,他们就不知道里面藏了什么。

劇透 -   :
Three-Dimensional Memory
Cost: 0.5 PP
Activation: Major Action
Three-Dimensional Memory lets an adept memorize an area in detail through firsthand viewing and with a bit of time (a Major Action at minimum). Later, the adept may make a memory test (Logic + Intuition) with their Magic attribute replacing one or another of the mental attributes if they wish. The difficulty of this test varies based on how far back the adept is trying to remember (difficulty 1 for the first day, 2 for a week, 3 for a month, 4 for a year or more). The area memorized is limited by what the adept was actually able to see, so spending more than one Major Action is a good idea; if they didn’t open a closet or inspect the inside of a desk drawer, for instance, they don’t know what was hidden from them.
« 上次编辑: 2023-05-31, 周三 00:00:13 由 lichzeta »