作者 主题: 进阶职业“传奇灵吸怪学者”  (阅读 9656 次)

副标题: 大麻职业一一此文章发表于06/08/2003

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« 于: 2022-08-16, 周二 21:53:19 »
新人,半机翻,如有错漏恳请谅解并提出 :em004



在夺心魔中,有少数从受害者被消耗的大脑中获得能量。灵吸怪专家学习了它的敌人的诡计,反过来利用这些诡计获得更多的食物,更多的力量,等等。. .





生命骰: d4。

每个额外等级的技能点数: 2 + Int 修正值。

Lore (Ex):从 11 级开始,灵吸怪学者可以随意使用它的 Lore 能力。

获得技能(Ex):史诗灵吸怪专家可以在 10 级以上的每个偶数级从消耗的大脑中获得并使用一项额外技能。

获得专长(Ex):史诗灵吸怪专家可以在第 10 级以上的每个偶数级别从消耗的大脑中获得并使用一项额外专长。

由于灵吸怪学者只有在满足专长的先决条件时才能从被吞噬的大脑中获得专长,所以灵吸怪学者在角色等级 21 之前无法获得史诗专长。

获得职业特性(Ex):史诗灵吸怪学者可以从消耗的大脑中获得一个额外的职业特性,在 10 级之后每获得三个等级。

低于 13 级的灵吸怪学者无法获得施展高于 9 级法术的能力。从 13 级开始(史诗灵吸怪学者可以获得职业特性的第一个等级),如果它消耗了能够施法能力的生物的大脑,则可以获得施法高于 9 级法术的能力。


获得特殊攻击或特殊品质(Ex):史诗灵吸怪专家可以从消耗的大脑中获得另一次特殊攻击或特殊品质,每获得 4 个等级,在 9 级之后。

额外专长:史诗灵吸怪学者不会获得任何灵吸怪学者职业等级的额外专长。它仍会酌情获得其他职业等级的奖励专长,以及每 3 级获得的普通专长。


11   Lore
12   获得专长5,获得技能5
13   获得职业特性 4,获得特殊能力 3
14   获得专长6,获得技能6
15   --
16   获得职业特性 5,获得专长 7,获得技能 7
17   获得特殊4
18   获得专长8,获得技能8
19   获得职业特性 6
20   获得专长9,获得技能9

Enchanter 2/Illithid Savant 14;CR24; 中等大小的像差;
HD 8d8+8 加 2d4+2 加 14d4+14;马力 100;初始+6;速度 30 英尺;AC 22,接触 17,措手不及 20;攻击 +19 近战(1d4+4,4 触手);SA提取物,改进的抓取,心灵冲击,灵能;SQ 黑暗视觉 60 英尺,慑人威仪,知识 +24,再生 5,SR 25,心灵感应,真实视觉;阿尔勒;SV Fort +17,Ref +13,Will +27;
力量 18,敏捷 14,体质 12,智力 30,感知 17,魅力 24。

技能专攻(心灵冲击)、警觉、战斗施法、闪避、专长**、提高法术、强化先攻、强化绊倒**、钢铁意志、机动性、加速类法术能力(心灵冲击)、抄写卷轴、法术专攻* *(附魔),武器技巧(触手),武器专攻(触手)。


*这些技能修正包括以下从受害者身上窃取的等级:11 等级的知识(神秘)、10 等级的知识(宗教)、24 等级的知识(位面)、25 等级的法术辨识、16 等级的翻滚和 14 等级使用魔法装置。

* *从受害者那里获得的专长。


慑人威仪(Ex):这个能力在S'rurrus攻击或冲锋时自动生效。半径 360 英尺内的每个生命骰数不超过 37 的生物必须通过一次成功的意志豁免(DC 36)或陷入恐慌 4d6 轮(如果它有 4 或更少的 HD)或战栗 4d6 轮(如果它有 5或更多高清)。进行豁免检定的潜在受影响生物在 24 小时内免疫 S'rurrus 的可怕存在。

精通抓取(Ex):要使用此能力,S'rurrus 必须用触手攻击击中小型到大型生物。成功抓取后,她可以尝试通过一次擒抱检定来连接剩余的触手。对手可以通过一次成功的擒抱检定逃脱,但 S'rurrus 在对手回合开始时附着的每个触手都会获得 +2 环境加值。

Mind Blast (Sp): S'rurrus 可以随意制造一个 60 英尺长的圆锥体。任何被困在该区域的人都必须通过一次成功的意志豁免 (DC 23) 否则会被击晕 3d4 轮。S'rurrus 每天可以加速此能力 3 次。

灵能(Sp):随意——星体投射,魅惑怪物,侦测思想,漂浮,位面转移,暗示。施法者等级8;豁免 DC 17 + 法术等级。豁免 DC 是基于魅力的。

知识(Ex): S'rurrus 可以随意进行一次特殊的知识检定,从她吃过的人的大脑中召回深奥的信息。

再生 (Ex):对 S'rurrus 造成的伤害被视为双重伤害,每轮会自动恢复 5 点生命值。火和酸对她造成正常伤害,并且不会消失。不造成生命值伤害的攻击形式会忽略再生,并且她不会恢复因饥饿、口渴或窒息而损失的生命值。

心灵感应(Su): S'rurrus 可以与 100 英尺内任何有语言的生物进行心灵感应交流。

真知术(Su): S'rurrus 持续使用真知术作为 12 级牧师施展的法术。

已准备的牧师法术(1/2/2/2/1/1/1/1/1/1;豁免 DC 13 + 法术等级,或 15 + 附魔法术等级;施法者等级 17):0 --轻微治愈伤口;
3rd --保护元素,死者交谈;
6 -医疗术;
7th -复生术;
8th -- 增加伤害;

准备好的法师法术(8/9/6/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/3;豁免 DC 20 + 法术等级,或 22 + 附魔法术等级;禁止学派:唤起):
0 - -奥术标记(1),发呆(1),鬼音(3),法师之手(2),修补术(1),开/关(1),冰霜射线(4),阅读魔法(1);
1st --魔法警报(2),迅速撤退(3),鉴定术(4),法师盔甲(4),迷雾术:(1),护盾术(4),睡眠术(1),蛛行术(4),鬼击术(1);
3级——解除魔法(2),飞行术(4),加速术(4) ,人类定身术( 4),吸血鬼之触(3);
4级——魅惑怪物(4),困惑术(2),虚弱(4) ,强化隐形术(4),石肤术(3);
10th -- 强化解体(4),增强弱智(4),增强的心灵迷雾(4) 。

 0 -奥术标记,发呆,侦测魔法,侦测毒药,扰乱不死生物,鬼音,法师之手,修补术,开/关,指指术,冰霜射线,阅读魔法,抗性;
1st -魔法警报,燃烧之手,快速撤退,鉴定术,法师盔甲,迷雾,护盾术,睡眠术,蛛行术,鬼击术,隐形仆役;

(1) 准备并作为 Wiz2 施放
(2) 准备并作为 Wiz13 施放
(3) 准备并作为 Wiz20 施放
(4) 准备并作为 Wiz23 旋放



Enchanter 2/Illithid Savant 14;CR24; 中等大小的像差;
HD 8d8+24 加 2d4+6 加 14d4+42;马力 148;初始 +8; 速度 30 英尺;AC 26,接触 19,措手不及 22;攻击 +19 近战(1d4+4,4 触手);SA提取物,改进的抓取,心灵冲击,灵能;SQ 黑暗视觉 60 英尺,可怕的存在,知识 +24,再生 5,SR 25,心灵感应,真实视觉;阿尔勒;SV Fort +19,Ref +15,Will +27;
力量 18,敏捷 18,体质 16,智力 30,感知 17,魅力 24。

专长:技能专攻 ( mind blast ), 警觉, 战斗施法, 闪避, 专长**, 提升法术, 精通先攻, 精通绊倒**, 钢铁意志, 机动性, 加速类法术能力 ( mind blast ), 抄写卷轴, 法术专攻* *(附魔),武器技巧(触手),武器专攻(触手)。



安迪·柯林斯 (Andy Collins) 曾担任修订版玩家手册的首席开发人员,并且是Epic Level Handbook的联合设计师。他感谢www.andycollins.net的所有访问者为本专栏提供的灵感


Ask a player what monster he or she fears most, and some will say dragons, demons, or dark elves. Some are bothered by beholders, and a few are terrorized by the tarrasque.

But deep down, in places they don't like to talk about at parties, every player knows only one monster whose appearance, tactics, and pure reason for existence can send a shudder through the most powerful archmage or warlord . . . the dreaded illithid.

Among the mind flayers, a few gain power from the consumed brains of their victims. The illithid savant learns the very tricks of its enemies, in turn using those tricks to gain more sustenance, and more power, and so on, and so on . . .

Epic Illithid Savant

The epic illithid savant believes itself to be a scholar -- a scientist involved in the research of knowledge. It is also among the deadliest, most unpredictable foes in the world.

The epic illithid savant's feat and ability score choices depend largely on its choice of victims. Since most savants dabble in arcane lore, it's likely that feats contributing toward improved spellcasting, such as Spell Knowledge, Epic Spell Focus, or Improved Spell Capacity, will prove useful. Regardless of its acquired abilities, feats that contribute toward defense help the savant survive encounters with pesky meals, so consider Energy Resistance or Epic Toughness. Boosting your Charisma is always a good choice, since it enhances your innate powers.

Other Options: If the illithid savant has pursued a more unorthodox selection of victims, just about any feat in the book can come in handy, from Combat Archery to Epic Weapon Focus to Unholy Strike.

Hit Die: d4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Lore (Ex): Beginning at 11th level, the illithid savant may use its lore ability at will.

Acquire Skill (Ex): The epic illithid savant can acquire and use one additional skill from a consumed brain at every even-numbered level above 10th.

Acquire Feat (Ex): The epic illithid savant can acquire and use one additional feat from a consumed brain at every even-numbered level above 10th.

Since an illithid savant may acquire a feat from a devoured brain only if he meets the feat's prerequisites, an illithid savant cannot acquire an epic feat before character level 21.

Acquire Class Feature (Ex): The epic illithid savant can gain one additional class feature from a consumed brain for every three levels gained after 10th.

An illithid savant below 13th level cannot gain the ability to cast spells higher than 9th level. Beginning at 13th level (the first level at which an epic illithid savant can acquire a class feature), it can gain the ability to cast spells higher than 9th level if it consumes the brain of a creature who has the ability to cast such spells.

An illithid savant cannot gain the ability to cast epic spells unless he has selected (or acquired) the Epic Spellcasting feat. If an illithid savant with the Epic Spellcasting feat devours the brain of a creature who knows one or more epic spells, the illithid savant gains the ability to cast one of those spells, chosen by the illithid savant.

Acquire Special Attack or Special Quality (Ex): The epic illithid savant can gain another special attack or special quality from a consumed brain for every 4 levels gained after 9th.

Bonus Feats: The epic illithid savant does not gain any bonus feats for its illithid savant class levels. It still gains bonus feats for other class levels as appropriate, as well as the normal feat gained every 3 levels.

Illithid Savant

11   Lore at will
12   Acquire feat 5, acquire skill 5
13   Acquire class feature 4, acquire special 3
14   Acquire feat 6, acquire skill 6
15   --
16   Acquire class feature 5, acquire feat 7, acquire skill 7
17   Acquire special 4
18   Acquire feat 8, acquire skill 8
19   Acquire class feature 6
20   Acquire feat 9, acquire skill 9

S'rurrus: Female mind flayer Enchanter 2/Illithid Savant 14; CR 24; Medium-size aberration; HD 8d8+8 plus 2d4+2 plus 14d4+14; hp 100; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 20; Atk +19 melee (1d4+4, 4 tentacles); SA extract, improved grab, mind blast, psionics; SQ darkvision 60 ft., frightful presence, lore +24, regeneration 5, SR 25, telepathy, true seeing; AL LE; SV Fort +17, Ref +13, Will +27; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 30, Wis 17, Cha 24.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +26, Concentration +21, Diplomacy +11, Hide +22, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (arcana) +37, Knowledge (religion) +26, Knowledge (the planes) +44, Listen +24, Move Silently +21, Search +17, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +37, Spot +24, Use Magic Device +26; Ability Focus (mind blast), Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge, Expertise**, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip**, Iron Will, Mobility, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (mind blast), Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus** (Enchantment), Weapon Finesse (tentacle), Weapon Focus (tentacle).

Epic Feats: Epic Fortitude, Great Intelligence**, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Spellcasting Capacity**.

*These skill modifiers include the following ranks stolen from victims: 11 ranks of Knowledge (arcana), 10 ranks of Knowledge (religion), 24 ranks of Knowledge (the planes), 25 ranks of Spellcraft, 16 ranks of Tumble, and 14 ranks of Use Magic Device.

**feat gained from victim.

Extract (Ex): If S'rurrus begins her turn with all four tentacles attached and successfully maintains her hold, she automatically extracts the opponent's brain, instantly killing that creature.

Frightful Presence (Ex): This ability takes effect automatically whenever S'rurrus attacks or charges. Each creature within a radius of 360 feet that has 37 or fewer Hit Dice must make a successful Will save (DC 36) or become panicked for 4d6 rounds (if it has 4 or fewer HD) or shaken for 4d6 rounds (if it has 5 or more HD). A potentially affected creature that makes its saving throw is immune to S'rurrus's frightful presence for 24 hours.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, S'rurrus must hit a Small to Large creature with tentacle attack. After a successful grab, she can try to attach her remaining tentacles with a single grapple check. The opponent can escape with a single successful grapple check, but S'rurrus gets a +2 circumstance bonus for every tentacle that was attached at the beginning of the opponent's turn.

Mind Blast (Sp): At will, S'rurrus can produce a 60-foot-long cone. Anyone caught in this area must make a successful Will save (DC 23) or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. S'rurrus can quicken this ability three times per day.

Psionics (Sp): At will -- astral projection, charm monster, detect thoughts, levitate, plane shift, suggestion. Caster level 8th; save DC 17 + spell level. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Lore (Ex): At will, S'rurrus can make a special lore check to recall esoteric information from the brains of those she has consumed.

Regeneration (Ex): Damage dealt to S'rurrus is treated as subdual damge, which automatically heals at a rate of 5 hit points per round. Fire and acid deal normal damage to her, which doesn't go away. Attack forms that don't deal hit point damage ignore regeneration, and she does not regain hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation.

Telepathy (Su): S'rurrus can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

True Seeing (Su): S'rurrus continuously uses true seeing as the spell cast by a 12th-level cleric.

Cleric Spells Prepared (1/2/2/2/1/1/1/1/1/1; save DC 13 + spell level, or 15 + spell level for Enchantment spells; caster level 17th): 0 -- cure minor wounds; 1st -- cure light wounds, divine favor; 2nd -- cure moderate wounds, silence; 3rd -- protection from elements, speak with dead; 4th -- divine power; 5th -- spell resistance; 6th -- heal; 7th -- greater restoration; 8th -- heightened harm; 9th -- heightened blasphemy.

Wizard Spells Prepared (8/9/6/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/3; save DC 20 + spell level, or 22 + spell level for Enchantment spells; prohibited school: Evocation): 0 -- arcane mark(1), daze(1), ghost sound(3), mage hand(2), mending(1), open/close(1), ray of frost(4), read magic(1); 1st -- alarm(2), expeditious retreat(3), identify(4), mage armor(4), obscuring mist(1), shield(4), sleep(1), spider climb(4), true strike(1); 2nd -- blur(3), cat's grace(4), endurance(4), invisibility(4), mirror image(2), Tasha's hideous laughter(4); 3rd -- dispel magic(2), fly(4), haste(4), hold person(4), vampiric touch(3); 4th -- charm monster(4), confusion(2), enervation(4), improved invisibility(4), stoneskin(3); 5th -- dominate person(3), feeblemind(4), hold monster(4), mind fog(4), wall of stone(2); 6th -- disintegrate(4), eyebite(4), greater dispelling(3), mass suggestion(4), mislead(2); 7th -- insanity(4), power word stun(3), spell turning(4), teleport without error(2); 8th -- horrid wilting(4), mind blank(3), Otto's irresistable dance(4); 9th -- dominate monster(4), energy drain(4), time stop(3); 10th -- heightened disintegrate(4),heightened feeblemind(4),heightened mind fog(4).

Spellbook: 0 -- arcane mark, daze, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, ghost sound, mage hand, mending, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, resistance; 1st -- alarm, burning hands, expeditious retreat, identify, mage armor, obscuring mist, shield, sleep, spider climb, true strike, unseen servant; 2nd -- alter self, blur, cat's grace, endurance, invisibility, mirror image, resist elements, Tasha's hideous laughter, web; 3rd -- dispel magic, displacement, fly, haste, hold person, nondetection, vampiric touch; 4th -- charm monster, confusion, enervation, improved invisibility, lesser geas, polymorph self, stoneskin; 5th -- dominate person, feeblemind, hold monster, mind fog, teleport, wall of stone; 6th -- disintegrate, eyebite, greater dispelling, mass suggestion, mislead, Tenser's transformation; 7th -- finger of death, insanity, power word stun, reverse gravity, spell turning, teleport without error; 8th -- horrid wilting, maze, mind blank, Otto's irresistable dance, prismatic wall; 9th -- dominate monster, energy drain, imprisonment, time stop.

(1)prepared and casts as Wiz2
(2)prepared and casts as Wiz13
(3)prepared and casts as Wiz20
(4)prepared and casts as Wiz23

Spells Active:Cat's grace, endurance, mage armor (all included in stat block below).

Possessions: ring of protection +5, wand of cure critical wounds (30 charges), amulet of natural armor +5, belt of giant Strength +6, cloak of Charisma +6, vest of resistance +4 (as cloak), headband of intellect +6, pearl of power (9th-level spell).

S'rurrus (Enhanced by Spells): Female mind flayer Enchanter 2/Illithid Savant 14; CR 24; Medium-size aberration; HD 8d8+24 plus 2d4+6 plus 14d4+42; hp 148; Init +8; Spd 30 ft.; AC 26, touch 19, flat-footed 22; Atk +19 melee (1d4+4, 4 tentacles); SA extract, improved grab, mind blast, psionics; SQ darkvision 60 ft., frightful presence, lore +24, regeneration 5, SR 25, telepathy, true seeing; AL LE; SV Fort +19, Ref +15, Will +27; Str 18, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 30, Wis 17, Cha 24.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +26, Concentration +23, Diplomacy +11, Hide +24, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (arcana) +37, Knowledge (religion) +26, Knowledge (the planes) +44, Listen +24, Move Silently +23, Search +17, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +37, Spot +24, Use Magic Device +26; Ability Focus (mind blast), Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge, Expertise**, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip**, Iron Will, Mobility, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (mind blast), Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus** (Enchantment), Weapon Finesse (tentacle), Weapon Focus (tentacle).

Epic Feats: Epic Fortitude, Great Intelligence**, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Spellcasting Capacity**.

Game Resources: To use the material in this article to its fullest, check out the following resources: Dungeon Master's Guide, Epic Level Handbook, Monster Manual, Player's Handbook, Savage Species.

About the Author

Andy Collins served as the lead developer for the Revised Player's Handbook and was a co-designer of the Epic Level Handbook. He thanks all the visitors to www.andycollins.net for their inspirations for this column
« 上次编辑: 2022-08-17, 周三 13:31:50 由 未疯先觉 »
幻㬢紫嶙大佬在百度贴吧发的3R中文三宝书(pdf格式):中文3r玩家手册: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=327265&uk=3087512646
中文3r城主指南: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=327263&uk=3087512646



离线 Tekkaman Last

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Re: 进阶职业“传奇灵吸怪学者”
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-08-17, 周三 09:46:23 »

离线 未疯先觉

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Re: 进阶职业“传奇灵吸怪学者”
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-08-17, 周三 12:19:28 »
这种大麻怪物进阶职业很适合dm使用,用来对付亲爱的玩家 :em001
毕竟可以通过吸脑获得知识,有一个法师全扩全表应该是很正常的吧。 :em001
最近想尝试翻译官网文章Dragons of the Glacier and the Grave,请问一下之前有没有别的人译过(不想撞车)
« 上次编辑: 2022-08-17, 周三 21:23:54 由 未疯先觉 »
幻㬢紫嶙大佬在百度贴吧发的3R中文三宝书(pdf格式):中文3r玩家手册: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=327265&uk=3087512646
中文3r城主指南: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=327263&uk=3087512646



离线 xuzi789

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Re: 进阶职业“传奇灵吸怪学者”
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-08-17, 周三 12:57:36 »
女性夺心魔? 夺心魔还分公母?

离线 幻海魔刀

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Re: 进阶职业“传奇灵吸怪学者”
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-11-13, 周日 00:27:20 »
女性夺心魔? 夺心魔还分公母?


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Re: 进阶职业“传奇灵吸怪学者”
« 回帖 #5 于: 2022-12-03, 周六 23:46:10 »